4 min read

The dogs are being kept in this container

Several dogs, including a newly born puppy, are held locked in a metal container at the mercy of the Spanish sun.

This fact was reported to the Animal Care Treatment International Network (ACTIN) over six weeks ago and, after checking that that the reports were correct, a formal complaint of severe animal abuse was presented to the court backed by expert testimony from three veterinary practitioners.

The court ordered that Seprona, the Spanish Nature Protection Service, make an immediate and full investigation. The dogs’ owners were made aware of the inspection in advance and the Seprona investigator, as well as their vet’, were able to issue a report stating that the dogs were not suffering.

With the independent evidence of many others, ACTIN cannot accept this report. The dogs are still locked in a metal container under forty degree sunshine and reports from passers-by suggest that noise from the captive animals is weakening. There is even concern that not all may still be alive. Witnesses also tell of serious smells coming from the container.

The Seprona report is, therefore, being strenuously challenged. ACTIN’s immediate objective is to see these dogs rescued while, at the same time, to ensure that Spanish laws on animal abuse are respected and applied in this case and much further afield.

Neighbours first denounced the dog owners in 2010. Previous inspections, confirmed by the police, suggest that there have been as many as ten or fourteen dogs locked in this container.

Court costs, as well as the services of an expert animal welfare lawyer, have already cost the charity over thirteen hundred Euros. ACTIN does need urgent public support for this ongoing campaign. This is not an isolated example of abusive practices that need to be highlighted and stopped using existing laws.

More information on the charity can be seen at actin-spain.com and donations, using PayPal, can be made on the site or set up using admin@actin-spain.com.

Filed under: http://www.theleader.info/article/47727/

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