Home News Driving Email Fine Scam Warning

Email Fine Scam Warning

1 min read

Be aware that a new scam is starting to resurface, whereas the victim is supposedly notified of a traffic fine by email.

The scam usually claims something along the lines of a notice that the recipient has been caught speeding by the DGT, and must pay a fine, as well as losing points from the driving licence.

By means of evidence confirming the case, the email claims to include a picture taken by a traffic camera, which the recipient is encouraged to click and open.

This file is malware which infects the user´s computer once it is clicked.

Therefore, if you receive any notification like this, do not open it and delete it immediately.

If you have any concerns that the email may be genuine, rest assured that the DGT, or any other official traffic authority in Spain, never issues notifications by email, unless expressly requested by the recipient. Therefore, if you have not requested confirmation by email, then the email is guaranteed to be fake.


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